Friday, November 5, 2010


When love with the child should be taught discipline. Advice my mother once. Actually apasih sense of discipline and how instill discipline on our children? Iqro presented to us.

Discipline is closely related to independence. Teach children discipline early on, to train children to be more independent in the future. because the child's independence key lies in the hands of parents. The principles of discipline which constantly inculcated in children will become part of him. Independence resulting from the presence and guidance of parents will be generating a whole personality.

Family is a mirror that will bounce on the children's personalities. Because in keluargalah children's education begins. A child learns to understand events in the environment by becoming an observer and imitator. He did a lot of environmental exploration and reactions received from the actions and the formation of habits by the parents.

Examples teach children discipline:

- When babies, children have an hour to drink milk or eat, his body seemed to have a biological clock for hungry

- Setting hours of sleep, this is good because it will affect children's health

- The age is greater (2 years and over), children will be more to explore. Recommend them about the dangers around him. Like electricity, the stagnant water so as not to slip, glass, sharp knife. This is certainly done with the language dimengeti by them.

- Parents should have a regular life patterns, such as waking up and worship, bathe in the morning, tidying the house, eating healthy foods, eat at the table and communicate with good language. By observing the regularities that exist every day, a child at this age will be easier to have self-discipline.

- Teach children about cleanliness and tidiness early. For example, take and put toys in place. If after playing the children get used to tidy up his toys, will establish itself in addition to discipline himself, it will teach him a sense of responsibility. Let them try to do everything themselves, while supervised by an adult.

- Teach hygiene when passing water (toilet training). Will educate children to have control to clean herself. And get used to changing clothes in place. Or in the Room. Pisahkaan dirty clothes with clean clothes. Put dirty clothes in the basket of its own.

- The father should be involved also in the case manage children. Because, in a household, what is needed is a partnership, and solidarity in every way. And in any activity, always invite them to communicate and give direction well

- When where the father and mother being disagree, try not to be disclosed in front of children. Children should see their parents are always compact. That way they will not feel worried and always felt safe near their parents.

- Both parents need to be assertive in guiding and teaching children. Be it in terms of courtesy, cleanliness and tidiness, and independence. Do not be quick 'lost' when the child began to cry when their wishes are not obeyed. Sometimes, let them like that to train their emotions. Thus, crying is not always bad.

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