Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Free Teens Lifestyle - Sex, Cigarettes, Consumerism

Once we enter the era of life with a global communications system, with the ease of accessing information through print media, TV, internet, comics, media, mobile, and pirated DVDs on the loose in society, certainly provide great benefits for our lives. Every phenomenon that exists and happens in the world, will certainly give a positive value and negative. Highly dependent on the mindset and the foundation of their personal lives.
Each individual of us will feel happy with the presence of the product or service that is more sophisticated and practical. No exception of Internet technology that has been pulling down the boundary and the medium of television that provides entertainment, information and actual news. Likewise, mobile phones have helped fellow human beings for communication at any time with one another despite being the world's North-South or the East - the Sea.
Technology + Freedom - Education = Destruction

Each technology has a positive effect and negative. The rise of mobile phone use has lowered the individual interactions directly. This would tend to make the pattern of human life becomes indivualistis. This negative impact would be reduced and even avoided if only the user has an understanding / knowledge, ethics and attitudes are strong (positive-wise) to harness something selective and effective.
This is the point of the problem for children and adolescents. Internal Filters (understanding, ethics and attitudes) of children and adolescents are still very fragile. In the current era of complexity of today's life, parents (especially in urban areas) have lost the power to educate and build families for their children. This is compounded by the rise of "toxins" are accepted by our children today. Violent scenes, sexual, mystical, and hedonism in the TV media, newspapers and the Internet, as well as school education system that fails to build character, has been attacking our children today.
On the other hand, low regulation and law inforcement from the government and its apparatus, has led to rogue elements of our young generation destroyer "breed: rapidly. CCN between the authorities and an entrepreneur in the regulation, publication and distribution of media caused millions of Indonesia's future leaders at the end of extinction. A series of concerns about children and young people today such as juvenile delinquency, consumerist-hedonistic lifestyle, promiscuity, smoking, drugs, and addiction to games on line almost to the culture of "lifestyle" today's teens.
Technology without filtration (necessary regulations for freedom is not broken) and the fragility of education / human characters lead to the destruction of the nation.
Cigarettes, Drugs, Sex, and AIDS

Amid news students to excel in the arena of research, science olympics, arts and sports, youth Indonesia is currently threatened in times of chaos. Millions of our youth become victims of corporate-nicotine cigarettes. More than 2 million Indonesian adolescents addicted to drugs (BNN 2004) and over 8000 young people diagnosed with AIDS (MOH 2008). In addition, the morals of children in sexual relations has entered a phase of mengawatirkan. More than 60% of junior and senior high youth of Indonesia, was not a virgin anymore. Smoking behavior has undermined the joints of our community life.
Based on survey results of the National Commission for Child Protection in collaboration with the Child Protection Agency (LPA) in 12 provinces in 2007 obtained recognition of adolescents that:
- A total of 93.7% and secondary school children had to do kissing, petting, and oral sex.
- As many as 62.7% of children in junior high school claimed to have no virgin.
- A total of 21.2% high school teenager claimed to have an abortion.
- Of the 2 million Indonesian women who had had abortions, 1 million are adolescent girls.
- As many as 97% of middle and high school students admitted like watching porn.
Recognition of High School Girls, Teens Is this Us?

"Now I'm back singles. It's been two years broke up. Pain too! After four years of courtship, and was like man and wife. In the past, each time met, sex turmoil just showed up. Continue ML (making love) deh. Usually we lakuin activity in the hotel. Sometimes at home, too, if people go home again all. If the house is not longer just a quiet yes most daring kiss and touch here and there. To me, all that unusual. Nglakuinnya because I feel confident I'm sure they'll be husband. I'm not afraid of sin. Kan we both want to, so there is no coercion. Sin occurs not when there is paksaaan. I think so! Time off, I do not regret it already nglakuin, exhausted, like how again! Relax! About sex education, I never received from parents. Most of the friends, magazines, books, or movies "
That narrative Neila (pseudonym), grade 3 a high school student in East Jakarta, who had just undergone UAN. Without load, this petite cute teen recounts. He and his girlfriend know what to do in order to premarital sex was not made her pregnant.
Until now, Neila sure her parents had no idea that his second daughter behavior. "I'm not going to Ceritalah, they can die suddenly. Friends who know even exist, of course who have similar experiences, "she said, twisting her hair.

According to him, ML among teenagers today is not that too familiar. In fact, there are deliberately seduce adult men who can be found in malls and other public places, to get money or valuables, such as the latest models of mobile phones, branded watches, clothes, shoes, bags, and so forth. "No profession really, just for fun. Calculated could create a style. Mending `I do, that's just the same nglakuinnya boyfriend and not for money," she said.
Allow or Acting?

We should go back to the roots of our national culture. Much earlier, the Indonesian nation is a nation that has a value of root (root value) culture that upholds the values of humanity and decency, as stated in the philosophy and values of Pancasila. Condition that afflicts young people today, must be fostered and educated so that they become leaders who have a high morality to build the nation and country.
All parties must feel responsible for this case. Besides the parents, the community role is essential. Our education system must also be changed. Do not raise the budget without increasing the real value of education. The government should strictly implement the laws, and the businessmen, merchants, and Internet web try to stop spreading things that are destructive (because our generation is still fragile.)
Things that should be done:
- The Government firmly filtration soap operas, movies or ads that contain sexual violence, promiscuity, mystical-religious, violence, religion, divination and gambling.
- Follow strict offenders Child Protection Act
- Menfilter porn sites in Indonesia. Until now only have 6 Porn Site of Indonesia's Most accessed
- Building Youth Centre, a center of education and creation for youth for positive activities.
- By actively controlling the promotion (advertising) and distribution of cigarettes.
- Prioritize prevention programs child trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation of children, and drugs.
- Educate the public that do not alienate the children (who are victims), help them to get out of their problems (material or moral).

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