Tuesday, December 7, 2010

benefits of music on the brain

If you are a music lover, you are in for a treat. Did you know that you can use music to help improve your brain speed? Music can sharpen the brain and helps you stay fit. Keeping the brain in good condition to prevent dementia as you age. You will be amazed to know how it works.

Research continues to show that you can change your brain. This is the plasticity of the brain. Under certain conditions, you can make it easier to change your brain. You can train your brain to process information better and faster. You can even increase the speed of the brain.

Benefits of Music In Speed Thinking

The best activities for your brain will get more and more challenging. You need to challenge your brain to make changes. Activities that you choose should be mentally beneficial. You'll get more out of the game if you enjoy it. If exercise is new or surprising, it would make a big impact. The game also must demand your focus and attention.

Here are three ways you can use music to help increase the speed of the brain:

1. Learn the words to music.
Select a song you like but do not know the words to. Try to hear every word and write it down. Listen to the song as much as you need. Then learn to sing along with songs. Once you learn the song, switch to another song.

You need to focus when you try to hear every word in a song. You must pay attention. When you focus on something, releasing chemicals in the brain. This chemical allows plasticity and memory switch.

Repeating this exercise can help you get the habit of listening carefully. The more you listen carefully, the better the quality of information you can take in. With better quality information, you will be better able to understand it. You can then act on that information. In addition, you can remember better.

This will result in faster processing of information you hear. You will be able to react more quickly. Thus, it will increase the speed of the brain.

2. Learn to distinguish the different instruments in music.
Have you ever tried to dissect music into a tool that you hear? This will sharpen the neural pathways of the brain. Perhaps the most challenging classical music for some people. Try to determine when each instrument in and out.

This exercise helps you make a difference both in pitch and tone of voice. With this skill, you can increase the speed of the brain when understanding speech. It will also help you recognize the voices of family and friends.

3. Learning to play an instrument.
Playing a musical instrument is a fantastic exercise for your brain. If you already play an instrument, learn new and complex music will make you stay nimble. Learning to play the new instrument will help you become more nimble brain.

Just imagine how this can increase the speed of the brain when processing information. Many interrelated aspects of brain function is used. You'll hone your listening skills by determining if the sound of music as it should.

Think about translating written records of music. What you do is decoding the music notes you see into the movement and sound. This is a great way to increase the speed and accuracy of the brain. This gives your brain needs exercise. The same way a typist will need to practice to become more accurate and faster, so does your brain.

You will also get control of fine movements. This could be a big benefit for parents.

Research has shown that brain exercises can keep the brain sharp and agile. You can do this well into the twilight years. You may be able to delay or reverse some conditions. These conditions include age-related cognitive decay. You also can train your brain to increase the speed of the brain at any age!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

10 Ways to stimulate your child's brain development to be optimal

10 Ways to stimulate your child's brain development to be optimal

healthy baby, healthy pregnancy and the environment is an important factor in educating and maximize the baby's brain function. In the first years of the baby's brain development systems is growing very fast. The first year is also the most important time in the maximization of infant brain development. Besides, note also the child's growth disorders.

Environmental influences dominate in infant brain development, for example by providing a real affection for infants will enhance the development of the baby's brain circuitry.

Then how do I maximize brain function on your baby to develop properly. The following tips:

1. Love. Love and attention are the real needs first. Baby you can never regulate or manipulate you. He desperately needed love you tenderly. Love your unlimited strengthen self-esteem and enhance the development of your baby's brain circuitry.

2. Talk to your baby as often, as gently as possible with kasanah word as much as possible, and various expressions. Your voice is the sound of your baby's favorite, because he's already heard it since there is in the womb.

3. Answer your baby's demand (for example, trying to understand your baby's crying) without hesitation. This will teach your baby to dare to communicate with others, and provide emotional stability and trust to him.

4. Touch your baby. The experts found that premature babies who stroked will grow faster, a little cry, and will soon be allowed home from hospital than those not stroked.

5. Positive expression. Your baby will know by heart and understand well the voice, facial expressions, and your movement. Then make him familiar expressions and sounds positive.

6. Let your baby experience different environments, take a walk, point out interesting things around your neighborhood.

7. Allow your baby to recognize the various textures and temperatures (certainly not too cold, hot, or hard). Provide a safe environment for exploration of the baby, because recognition does indeed take time.

8. Read the books. Although your baby can not follow or read, but the pictures and you sound good for him.

9. Play music or let your baby listen to music such as classical music (Mozart for example). Research shows that classical music can stimulate the development of the baby's brain neurons.

10. When you're frustrated because your baby's milk dropped to the floor, remember that he did it because it is trying to recognize the world.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Need to balance the left and right brain

Communities often assess IQ (intelligence quotient) is equated with intelligence or skill. In fact, IQ only measures a fraction of the skill.

"It was a bright child is a child who can react in a logical and useful to what is experienced in the neighborhood," said Eileen Rachman, a psychologist who is also Director of EXPERD, a human resources consultant at the seminar 10 Ways to Sharpen IQ and EQ (emotional quotient) Child Saturday (27 / 8) in Jakarta. At the same seminar also launched a book entitled Optimizing Intelligence Child.

Eileen explained that IQ is a number that is used to describe the thinking person's capacity as compared with the average of others. In general, the average IQ was 100.

"IQ is only used among others, imagined space, see the environment around coherently and find the relationship between one form and other forms. But IQ does not measure creativity, social skills, and wisdom, "he said.

Meanwhile, the intelligence of children seen from the understanding and awareness of what they experienced. Later on in his mind, the experience was transformed into words or numbers. Therefore, Eileen emphasizes the importance of understanding. "Because understanding is a combination of efforts to increase the input through the senses and the knowledge they have," explained Eileen.

How to optimize your child's intelligence? Eileen suggested that parents enhance learning, reading, and repeat. For example, to introduce how to read, the mother helps the child by making a line under words that are important, ask your child to read aloud and explain the meaning of reading.

In addition, parents are also introducing the strategy, making rational decisions, sparked the idea of surfing as possible, midmapping, increase vocabulary, thinking as he imagined, humor, critical thinking, and play. The goal to balance the left and right brain work, because the structure of the left and right brain hemispheres have different tasks.

Why need to balance the left and right brain work? Eileen said that the child can read fluently with full comprehension, creative writing, spelling, remembering, listening, thinking while at the same or become the champion in a particular sport. All it takes left and right brain coordination with both well trained.

But to balance the left and right brain work can also be through customs. Explains Eileen, for example, by enjoying the music and the arts, enjoying color, space and shape, value creativity and appreciate the sentiment.

Meanwhile, Dr. Andre Meaza said that during early childhood is the golden period to perform an active process through the process of sensory stimulation for the purpose of forming wiring system. "Stages of early life stages of the child are important because children are able to receive skills and teaching as a basis of knowledge and thought processes."

Andrew also explained, half the child's intellectual development took place prior to entering the age of 4 years. Precisely 17 years of age cognitive development is a cumulative development of the child is born.

According to Andre, 0-4 year olds have the cognitive development of 50%, 30% 4-8 years and 9-17 years at 20%. "It's brain development before age 1 year early, but the maturation of the brain take place after the child is born," he said.

He warned that the influence of early environment on brain development will impact long. Therefore, children who have good environmental stimulation, brain function will develop better.

Friday, November 5, 2010


When love with the child should be taught discipline. Advice my mother once. Actually apasih sense of discipline and how instill discipline on our children? Iqro presented to us.

Discipline is closely related to independence. Teach children discipline early on, to train children to be more independent in the future. because the child's independence key lies in the hands of parents. The principles of discipline which constantly inculcated in children will become part of him. Independence resulting from the presence and guidance of parents will be generating a whole personality.

Family is a mirror that will bounce on the children's personalities. Because in keluargalah children's education begins. A child learns to understand events in the environment by becoming an observer and imitator. He did a lot of environmental exploration and reactions received from the actions and the formation of habits by the parents.

Examples teach children discipline:

- When babies, children have an hour to drink milk or eat, his body seemed to have a biological clock for hungry

- Setting hours of sleep, this is good because it will affect children's health

- The age is greater (2 years and over), children will be more to explore. Recommend them about the dangers around him. Like electricity, the stagnant water so as not to slip, glass, sharp knife. This is certainly done with the language dimengeti by them.

- Parents should have a regular life patterns, such as waking up and worship, bathe in the morning, tidying the house, eating healthy foods, eat at the table and communicate with good language. By observing the regularities that exist every day, a child at this age will be easier to have self-discipline.

- Teach children about cleanliness and tidiness early. For example, take and put toys in place. If after playing the children get used to tidy up his toys, will establish itself in addition to discipline himself, it will teach him a sense of responsibility. Let them try to do everything themselves, while supervised by an adult.

- Teach hygiene when passing water (toilet training). Will educate children to have control to clean herself. And get used to changing clothes in place. Or in the Room. Pisahkaan dirty clothes with clean clothes. Put dirty clothes in the basket of its own.

- The father should be involved also in the case manage children. Because, in a household, what is needed is a partnership, and solidarity in every way. And in any activity, always invite them to communicate and give direction well

- When where the father and mother being disagree, try not to be disclosed in front of children. Children should see their parents are always compact. That way they will not feel worried and always felt safe near their parents.

- Both parents need to be assertive in guiding and teaching children. Be it in terms of courtesy, cleanliness and tidiness, and independence. Do not be quick 'lost' when the child began to cry when their wishes are not obeyed. Sometimes, let them like that to train their emotions. Thus, crying is not always bad.

sex education for children

Why Need Sex Education?

Children and adolescents are vulnerable to misinformation about sex. If you do not get proper sex education, they will be consumed myths about sex that is not true. Information on sex should be obtained directly from parents who have special attention to their children.

The survey results National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) shows that more than 60 percent of teens in Indonesia have premarital sex. The figures are quite alarming in the country upholding the moral values regarding sex. Why they could make pre-marital sex? The reason for the lack of sex education to children and adolescents. When did sex education can begin to do?

When to Start Sex Education?

When did sex education can begin to be given to children? Some parents often answering questions with short answers sex: "Wait you're great!". Actually the best time to give sex education is early! Sex education begins even since the child was a toddler.

If you delay giving sex education when your child enters adolescence, then it was too late. Because in an era where information is easily obtained from the Internet and peers, the teen-aged children when they have to know more about sex and most probably from the wrong perspective.

How Sex Education Provided?

How is the best way to provide sex education to your children? Here are some stages of life and how to provide sex education in accordance with the level of your child's age.

Toddlers (1-5 years)
At this age, you can begin to instill sex education. The way is easy, that is by starting to introduce to your baby sex organs of his brief. No need to give a detailed explanation because the attention span of children is usually short.

For example, when bathing your child, you can tell the various organs of the child's body, such as hair, head, hands, feet, stomach, and do not forget the penis and vagina or vulva. Then explain differences in genitalia of the opposite sex, for example, if your child has a younger brother of the opposite sex.

In addition, tandaskan also that the genitals should not be exhibited in vain, and also explain if there is a touch without known parents, the child must shout out loud and reports to parents. Thus, your children can be protected against the rampant cases of sexual violence and sexual abuse of children.
Age 3-10 years
At this age, children usually begin to actively ask about sex. For example, children will ask where it originated. Or general questions such as how the origin of the baby. The answers are simple and straightforward is usually effective.

Example # 1: "Babies come from?" You can answer the mother's abdomen. Or you can show me a mother who is pregnant and showing the location of the baby in the mother's abdomen.

Example # 2: "How's the baby out of the tummy?" You can answer the baby out of vagina or vulva hole to get out of the mother's abdomen.

Example # 3: "Why can there be a baby in the stomach?" You can answer that baby in the mother's abdomen because there are seeds given by the father to the mother. The trick is father to enter the seed using a penis and the vagina of the mother. It's called sexual intercourse, and it should only be done by men and women who have married.
Towards Age Youth
As the child grows, start time for you to explain about menstruation, wet dreams, and also the physical changes that happen to a teenager. You could explain that little girl will experience changes in breast shape, or explain the existence grow feathers around her genitals.
Age Youth
At this time, a teen will be sexually experienced many changes. You need more intensive instill good moral values to him. Give a description of the loss of free sex like a disease that is transmitted and the emotional consequences.

According to research, sex education early will avoid pregnancy outside of marriage when the children grow into adolescence and later adulthood. No need to be taboo to talk about sex in the family. Because your child needs to get the right information from their parents, not from other people about sex.

Because a great curiosity, if the child is not provided sex education, then they will seek answers from others, and would be more frightening if sex information obtained from peers or the Internet that their information could be wrong. Therefore, protect your children from an early age by equipping them with education about sex the right way.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Free Teens Lifestyle - Sex, Cigarettes, Consumerism

Once we enter the era of life with a global communications system, with the ease of accessing information through print media, TV, internet, comics, media, mobile, and pirated DVDs on the loose in society, certainly provide great benefits for our lives. Every phenomenon that exists and happens in the world, will certainly give a positive value and negative. Highly dependent on the mindset and the foundation of their personal lives.
Each individual of us will feel happy with the presence of the product or service that is more sophisticated and practical. No exception of Internet technology that has been pulling down the boundary and the medium of television that provides entertainment, information and actual news. Likewise, mobile phones have helped fellow human beings for communication at any time with one another despite being the world's North-South or the East - the Sea.
Technology + Freedom - Education = Destruction

Each technology has a positive effect and negative. The rise of mobile phone use has lowered the individual interactions directly. This would tend to make the pattern of human life becomes indivualistis. This negative impact would be reduced and even avoided if only the user has an understanding / knowledge, ethics and attitudes are strong (positive-wise) to harness something selective and effective.
This is the point of the problem for children and adolescents. Internal Filters (understanding, ethics and attitudes) of children and adolescents are still very fragile. In the current era of complexity of today's life, parents (especially in urban areas) have lost the power to educate and build families for their children. This is compounded by the rise of "toxins" are accepted by our children today. Violent scenes, sexual, mystical, and hedonism in the TV media, newspapers and the Internet, as well as school education system that fails to build character, has been attacking our children today.
On the other hand, low regulation and law inforcement from the government and its apparatus, has led to rogue elements of our young generation destroyer "breed: rapidly. CCN between the authorities and an entrepreneur in the regulation, publication and distribution of media caused millions of Indonesia's future leaders at the end of extinction. A series of concerns about children and young people today such as juvenile delinquency, consumerist-hedonistic lifestyle, promiscuity, smoking, drugs, and addiction to games on line almost to the culture of "lifestyle" today's teens.
Technology without filtration (necessary regulations for freedom is not broken) and the fragility of education / human characters lead to the destruction of the nation.
Cigarettes, Drugs, Sex, and AIDS

Amid news students to excel in the arena of research, science olympics, arts and sports, youth Indonesia is currently threatened in times of chaos. Millions of our youth become victims of corporate-nicotine cigarettes. More than 2 million Indonesian adolescents addicted to drugs (BNN 2004) and over 8000 young people diagnosed with AIDS (MOH 2008). In addition, the morals of children in sexual relations has entered a phase of mengawatirkan. More than 60% of junior and senior high youth of Indonesia, was not a virgin anymore. Smoking behavior has undermined the joints of our community life.
Based on survey results of the National Commission for Child Protection in collaboration with the Child Protection Agency (LPA) in 12 provinces in 2007 obtained recognition of adolescents that:
- A total of 93.7% and secondary school children had to do kissing, petting, and oral sex.
- As many as 62.7% of children in junior high school claimed to have no virgin.
- A total of 21.2% high school teenager claimed to have an abortion.
- Of the 2 million Indonesian women who had had abortions, 1 million are adolescent girls.
- As many as 97% of middle and high school students admitted like watching porn.
Recognition of High School Girls, Teens Is this Us?

"Now I'm back singles. It's been two years broke up. Pain too! After four years of courtship, and was like man and wife. In the past, each time met, sex turmoil just showed up. Continue ML (making love) deh. Usually we lakuin activity in the hotel. Sometimes at home, too, if people go home again all. If the house is not longer just a quiet yes most daring kiss and touch here and there. To me, all that unusual. Nglakuinnya because I feel confident I'm sure they'll be husband. I'm not afraid of sin. Kan we both want to, so there is no coercion. Sin occurs not when there is paksaaan. I think so! Time off, I do not regret it already nglakuin, exhausted, like how again! Relax! About sex education, I never received from parents. Most of the friends, magazines, books, or movies "
That narrative Neila (pseudonym), grade 3 a high school student in East Jakarta, who had just undergone UAN. Without load, this petite cute teen recounts. He and his girlfriend know what to do in order to premarital sex was not made her pregnant.
Until now, Neila sure her parents had no idea that his second daughter behavior. "I'm not going to Ceritalah, they can die suddenly. Friends who know even exist, of course who have similar experiences, "she said, twisting her hair.

According to him, ML among teenagers today is not that too familiar. In fact, there are deliberately seduce adult men who can be found in malls and other public places, to get money or valuables, such as the latest models of mobile phones, branded watches, clothes, shoes, bags, and so forth. "No profession really, just for fun. Calculated could create a style. Mending `I do, that's just the same nglakuinnya boyfriend and not for money," she said.
Allow or Acting?

We should go back to the roots of our national culture. Much earlier, the Indonesian nation is a nation that has a value of root (root value) culture that upholds the values of humanity and decency, as stated in the philosophy and values of Pancasila. Condition that afflicts young people today, must be fostered and educated so that they become leaders who have a high morality to build the nation and country.
All parties must feel responsible for this case. Besides the parents, the community role is essential. Our education system must also be changed. Do not raise the budget without increasing the real value of education. The government should strictly implement the laws, and the businessmen, merchants, and Internet web try to stop spreading things that are destructive (because our generation is still fragile.)
Things that should be done:
- The Government firmly filtration soap operas, movies or ads that contain sexual violence, promiscuity, mystical-religious, violence, religion, divination and gambling.
- Follow strict offenders Child Protection Act
- Menfilter porn sites in Indonesia. Until now only have 6 Porn Site of Indonesia's Most accessed
- Building Youth Centre, a center of education and creation for youth for positive activities.
- By actively controlling the promotion (advertising) and distribution of cigarettes.
- Prioritize prevention programs child trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation of children, and drugs.
- Educate the public that do not alienate the children (who are victims), help them to get out of their problems (material or moral).

SEX THE NAME OF LOVE (Adolescent Sexual Behaviour in the Surakarta Indonesia)

The theme of love seemed never exhausted to talk, never cracked to narrated, never stale for discussion. Every person is different in the manifest love. For parents, love is happiness when the baby looks cute and clever or love is the protection and expression of love saying when her baby was sick so lost joy. The wise man said to the child's parents love is true love.

If he is an eroticism, then love for him is how many pieces he has vcd porn watch, how many women who have been dating and how much he teasing and abusing it. Maybe he was supporting the theory of Sigmund freud who believes that human life is driven by the id (libido) only. Love does not always bring pleasure but can also bring sadness, disappointment and even hatred. Between love and sexual freedom really different, love is love each other, watch each other, protect each other, give each other with firm boundaries syar'i.

Research Results

In 2005, the author conducted research on the sexual behavior of adolescent high school in Surakarta. The subject of this study amounted to 1250 persons, derived from 10 high school in Surakarta, which consisted of 611 male subjects and 639 female subjects.

Most subjects had used the media of pornography, the male subjects as many as 497 people (81.34%) and 181 female subjects (28.32%); subjects who claimed never to use the media of pornography on male subjects as many as 114 people ( 18.66%), female subjects 458 individuals (71.67%). Most of the subjects said they had watched pornographic movies, the male subjects as many as 403 people (28.54%) and 111 female subjects (34.91%), a small portion of pornography through the photos on male subjects 135 people (9, 56%) and female subjects 22 people (6.92%).

Some subjects 212 were male (34.69%) admitted that sometimes doing masturbation, female subjects 27 people (4.23%), and 77 people (12.60%) male subjects and 9 people (1, 41%) women admitted until now still active in masturbation.

Most of the subjects claimed to have been dating. Age of first dating mostly 15-17 years male subjects as many as 246 people (53.25%) and 272 female subjects (57.99%), aged 20-22 years by 1 person (0.22%) on the subject of women was not found. Most of the subjects claimed to have changed a girlfriend for 1-2 times, namely on the subject of male-lakisebanyak 194 people (41.99%) and in female subjects as many as 196 people (41.79%). Most of the subjects admitted undergo courtship activity 2 - 6 months, namely the male subjects 171 (37.01%) in female subjects as many as 153 people (32.62%), on the subject of male courtship activity less than 1 month as many as 81 people (17.53 %) in female subjects as many as 67 people (14.28%). Courtship activity subject mostly done at home itself is in the male subjects 164 people (23.33%), on the subject of women as much as 37 people (5.23%).

Subjects who had sexual intercourse of 462 male subjects of dating found in 139 people (30.09%), who claimed to have had sexual intercourse than women who are dating 469 subjects found 25 people (5.33%). The reason they have sex as a proof of love in the male subjects of 57 people (38.51%), whereas in female subjects 6 people (24%); by reason of being raped or forced the male subjects 4 people (2.70 %) in female subjects 2 people (8%).

Age of the subject was first sexual intercourse is 15-17 years which is in men by 60 people (43.16%) in female subjects 12 people (48%). Sexual intercourse is mostly conducted along with her boyfriend, the male subjects 105 (53.29%) while in female subjects 21 people (84%).

After having sexual relations most subjects were satisfied or pleasure, the male subjects 61 people (43.88%), whereas in female subjects of 3 people (12%). Most subjects believe sexual intercourse is sinful: in male subjects 329 individuals (34.52%), whereas in female subjects 417 individuals (42.12%).

Most of the reason teenagers have sex is due to environmental influences, vcd, books and pornographic movies that is: the male subjects as many as 389 people (29.07%), whereas in female subjects 444 individuals (31.11%). The reason for the progress of time and let slang, male subjects 113 people (8.44%), in female subjects 99 people (6.94%).

Monday, November 1, 2010

sex education in teens still it necessary?

During this time many people who question the usefulness of sex education for adolescents. Really there is no point? What is the status of sex education in foreign countries? Let us refer to the comparison!

ScienceDaily (Mar.20, 2008). Recent research shows that comprehensive sex education can reduce the likelihood of teenage pregnancy, and there is no indication that it is increasing the level of sexual activity or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). "There is absolutely no harm to teach teens about birth control, in addition to the denial of sexual relations, 'said study leader, Pamela Kohler, a program manager at the University of Washington in Seattle. Parents and educators have long argued, whether the student should get a teaching birth control, or easily just say no to free sex. Which option is better to postpone sex among adolescents.

Kohler and colleagues studied the results of national survey of the United States in 2002 and focused on heterosexual teens ages 15 to 19 years. These findings, based on responses from 1719 adolescents, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health. After reviewing the results, researchers found that one in four teens received abstinence education only sex. Nine percent, particularly in poor and rural areas, do not receive sex education at all. Two-thirds of the remainder receive comprehensive instruction, with discussion of birth control and abstinence. Adolescents who received comprehensive sex education have 60 percent less likely to get pregnant, than who did not receive sex education at all. The possibility of pregnancy is 30 percent lower in those who received sex education abstinence only, than those who did not receive sex, but researchers assume that this number is statistically insignificant because few teens who fall into categories studied.

Although they did not reach statistical signifkansi, other surveys also suggest that comprehensive sex education, not the denial of sex alone, reduce the likelihood of teens engaging in vaginal intercourse. Both approaches reduce the likelihood of STDs are not reported, but the result is not statistically significant. However, these findings advocate comprehensive sex education, according to Kohler said. 'There is no evidence to support that denial of sex education course to reduce the likelihood of sexual intercourse, or pregnancy', Kohler said again.

Don Operario, PhD., A professor at Oxford University in England said that the study provides "further evidence ', to use comprehensive sex education and lack of effectiveness of the abstinence approach to sex alone. However, these studies do not show how educators should implement comprehensive sex education in the classroom, said Operario, who studies sex education. 'We need a better understanding of the most effective way to provide the type of education in order to maximize student understanding and acceptance of community', said Operario.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

sex education for child

Sex Education In Early Childhood
Provide Sex Education in Early Childhood

Does your child begin to ask you about sex? If so, then baby is ready to be taught sex education right now. In addition to parents at home who can provide sex education to children, teachers at school also has a big share to equip students children about sex education. According A.T. Meilandari, S.sn, marketing communications Indonesian Carpediem School, said the introduction of inappropriate sex given to children aged under five as long as the content is not excessive, and still refers to the simple things.
Through sex education in schools, it supplies more mature children about sexuality and very useful in the future. Children also get the knowledge when the act, such as what should be done and that should not be done. Given several events irregularities frequently occur in society, sex education early in children to enable them to protect themselves from acts that are not good.
Teach the child to say NO in adults can be an unknown / foreign. It became one of effective prevention to prevent sexual harassment and other matters that are not desired.
Methods in schools to educate the students pre-school and kindergarten about sex education, it can be done by:

* 1 year
Introduce children to the parts of his body sendiri.Di this age, children need to be introduced to members of the body. Introduce the name of the body, as well as differences and functions, while you're bathing or shower with the children. You can also use books and props, human doll for example. Do not forget to remain calm when you have to be naked in front of the child while bathing or changing clothes.

* 2 years
Can recognize and name parts of the body At the age of 2 years, children generally can mention parts of his body smoothly, such as eyes, nose, ears, hands, and feet. To make it more familiar with other body parts, you can also make this activity more fun. Pack in the form of the game. Indicate the body (you just say it anyway), such as ear, then invite your child to be holding his ears. So also in other body parts you mentioned.

* 3 years
Know the difference if your child is able to recognize his own body parts, it's time to introduce the gender differences. Introduce the two categories of male and female sexes. Explain also male genitalia is a penis and women is the vagina, as well as differences of form and function. By introducing the parts of the body and the difference, the child will have a favorable view of the body.

* 4 years
Keeping yourself When children are getting bigger, teach that part of her genitals-not-be held by any person, except by the mother (while bathing) and doctors (when I'm sick). They must immediately report directly to parents or teachers when there are other people who touched her private parts. Aside from being a form of sex education to keep the private parts of her body, it can make a child protected from sexual violence.

* 5 years
Orderly and Caring Ourselves Along with the development of age, at this stage the child get used to urinating in the right place. Familiarize him urinate in the toilet, not in trees, bushes, or public places that are open. To change her clothes as well get used to looking for a room or toilet and not do it in public. Teach your children and get used to clean the genitals properly, especially after bladder / bowel movements. Do not forget to teach him always wash hands after bladder / bowel movement, and explain that the germs can enter through the vagina / penis and anal.

Beyond all that, parents and teachers is the best place to ask for the child. Make sex as something natural and personal part of health. Sex is not something that is wrong, dirty, dirty, or shameful because it is part of normal growth, so no need to worry about. So it's not a day longer respond to early sex education is taboo for your baby.
Do and Do not
In providing sex education to children, do not match when you teach in adults. Need to be careful and simple language, the most important is a concrete example for baby's easy to understand for your explanation. Here are tips for you:

1. May
- Give a demonstration-a demonstration of interest in clarifying the notion of
- Use examples of people, like my mother / father, friends, or people
the nearest known and your child.
- Give an explanation with the words that are easy to understand / very simple.
- Emphasize the baby, though different gender but can not distinguish
each other.

2. No
- Never give an explanation with the new words children hear,
especially difficult terms.
- Do not give meaning to the very vulgar.
- Do not give an explanation with so seriously that make children
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

sex education

Amid the rapid progress of construction of the city of Jakarta, turned out to deviant sexual behavior has become common knowledge. The phenomenon of lesbian, homosexual and even heterosexual can easily be found in various places. Lesbian phenomenon has occurred even since long Indeed, comparing the lesbian phenomenon that occurs first with the now, of course very different. Its growth is now more rapidly and tend to uncontrollably. In fact, it's a lifestyle most people capital. Therefore, parents should supervise teenage daughter in order to avoid the threat of viruses lesbian.

For example, one told by a lesbian, you name it Bebi (not her real name). According to him, thousands of teenage girls in Jakarta has become perpetrators of lesbianism. "The average age of 17-18 years of hell. There are indeed from the beginning has been turned, but most of them infected due to 'hanging out'," said Bebi, the Buchi another term lesbian.

There are several terms that they use in communication between their own communities, such as Buchi, the term for couples who act as men. The style they also tend to look like a man, with hair cut bondol and baggy clothes. While femm, the term for the couple who acted as women, they look like normal women in general, which is feminine. There is also andro, where people can play as well as male and female.

This phenomenon really is not hidden anymore. Not infrequently some of them show their deviant sexual behavior openly in society. As can be seen in one of the fast-food restaurants in the area of Grand Indonesia, South Jakarta, which is one of the lesbian community gathering place. Specifically, on every Saturday night, can be found lesbian couples to visit and act like people going out, holding hands, making out, even the occasional kiss her partner. Phenomena such as if it was not a taboo anymore for them.

"We're still cool wrote, which is important we feel comfortable with each partner. If anyone feel keganggu with our presence, so I do not care. Instead we think, the existence of lienes (lesbian) so it adds a colorful world. If you do not There we are, maybe the world feels very bland, yes, there's just a girl the same guy, not varied, "said Bebi.

Bebi is one among lesbians who have felt strange to him since he was sitting in sixth grade elementary school. As time went, he kept aware and determined to behave like men and like the same sex. Until today he kept his pledge to remain current. "Cave including pure Buchi, that is, the cave is really ngerasain from cave own self, not because of the association. But, now even girls lesbian nganggap nih lifestyle. She said it felt stale wrote that has never ngerasain 'turn'," he said.

When asked about the opinion of the people around him about the change that, he actually replied calmly that his family already knew it. "The family all knew the cave cave like this. Yes, his parents, certainly disappointed. Who also wants his son like this.

But, how else would. Cave also do not ask dilahirin like this, really. So, I run it as it is. In fact, once you know dating the same cave cave own cousin, "said Bebi again, who is currently studying in the second semester at one private university in Jakarta

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


by Janie M. Cole
This project was a pilot study examining the effects of a rural parent education program on parenting stress, perceived social support, parental locus of control, and parental efficacy. The sample consisted of a group of six mothers in West Virginia. The variables were tested using the Parenting Stress Index, Perceived Social Support from Friends Index and two subscales, Parental Efficacy and Belief in Fate and Chance, from the Parental Locus of Control Scale. Using Cronbach’s alpha, the Parental Efficacy Subscale and all but one subscale of the Parenting Stress Index were found to be reliable with this small sample. Analysis was done using paired samples t tests to determine changes in pre- and posttest mean scores. A significant decrease in parent/child dysfunctional interaction, a subscale of the Parenting Stress Index, and a marginal decrease in the Parental Belief in Fate and Chance subcale of the Parental Locus of Control Scale were found.

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Monday, October 25, 2010


The purpose of this qualitative investigation was to examine the experiences of
birthmothers who relinquished a child for adoption and determine if this affected their subsequent parenting. The questions that guided the study were: (1.) How do birthmothers describe their experience of relinquishing a child for adoption?; (2.) How do birth mothers describe their experience of parenting subsequent children?; (3.) How do mothers who have relinquished a child for adoption perceive their parenting skills?; and (4.) What do mothers who have relinquished a child for adoption want early childhood professionals to know about their subsequent parenting experience?
Three birthmothers who put a child up for adoption and were parenting at least
one child within the early childhood age range volunteered to participate in the study. The researcher collected data through semi-structured interviews, observations, artifacts and follow-up interviews to determine how relinquishment of a child affects the ability to parent subsequent children.
Results of this study indicated that relinquishing a child for adoption is a life-
altering experience that has an impact on parenting of subsequent children. Participants in the study lacked confidence in their parenting and believed they overcompensated with subsequent children due to the loss they experienced. Although the birthmothers did not want to be treated differently from other families, specific themes were identified which reflected their experiences.
Understanding the experience of relinquishing a child for adoption and its impact
on subsequent parenting is critical in the field of early childhood education for several reasons. First, teachers must recognize that the contemporary family extends far beyond that of two parents, two children, and a dog living in a house with a white picket fence. Next, when creating classroom assignments that explore family histories, specific details that have not been shared with young children may arise when researching these types of projects. Modifications can be made to eliminate the possibility of causing angst and turmoil for the family. Being sensitive to the many types of families, including those where a mother has relinquished a child for adoption, is essential to successful partnerships with families in the field of early childhood education.

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This study examined predictors of program participation and the potential effects of participation on child development in five school sites offering integrated preschool services as part of the Toronto First Duty (TFD) demonstration project. The TFD model offered a seamless, school-based ‘service community’ integrating childcare, kindergarten, family literacy, and other early childhood services.
Despite sound conceptual arguments for the utility of integrating early childhood services, no empirical studies have examined the relation between uptake of integrated preschool services and children’s developmental outcomes, within the ecological context of integrated services. This study examined program participation levels or ‘dosage’, while considering the social ecology of the child, including family and school level characteristics that may moderate or mediate the effectiveness of community-level service integration efforts to improve child outcomes during the transition to school.
The ecology of participation effects was examined through generalized linear modeling techniques analyzing a linked dataset (N=272) including: (1) systematic intake form and tracking data on hours of program use, (2) children’s school readiness or child development teacher-report ratings (Early Development Instrument) measured across five domains (physical health and well-being, social competence, emotional maturity, language and cognitive development, communication and general knowledge), and (3) a measure of service integration levels across sites.
The results provided evidence that TFD achieved its outreach aims in ensuring equitable access for all families; demographic risk factors did not predict less participation in TFD integrated services. In a parallel analysis of predictors of kindergarten absences, there was one difference; males were absent more in kindergarten, whereas there were no gender differences in integrated service participation. The results provided additional evidence that the TFD model has potential in reducing disparities in children’s developmental outcomes since participation dose predicted children’s physical health and well-being, language and cognitive development, and communication and general knowledge, after taking into account demographic, parenting and site factors. Further, parents' being less child-centred and less interested in parent participation, were significant risk factors associated with children's developmental outcomes. This study has implications for understanding the ecological complexities of school readiness, and the potential processes by which program participation affects children’s outcomes

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Exploring Reasons for the Low Number of Males in High School Parenting and Child Development Classes

The purpose ofthis study is to identify the reasons for the low number of males that enroll in Parenting and Child Development classes at the high school level. A survey was developed to examine the attitudes and perspectives of male students in regards to enrolling in Parenting and Child Development classes. Females also participated to see if they had the same attitudes and perspectives as the males. The subjects used to obtain the needed data were current freshmen during the 2007-2008 academic year. Each student in the freshman class was given a Consent to Participate in UW-Stout Approved Research form to be shared and signed by their parent or guardian and returned to the investigator. The students that returned the signed consent forms were then given the survey. Responses were categorized, analyzed and presented in tables and figures.

The results verify that there currently exists a significant low number ofmales enrolled in Parenting and Child Development classes as compared to females. The study offers reasons for this behavior and suggestions for equalizing the enrollment. While females and males generally agree that these types ofcourses offer benefits such as knowledge on the subject and preparedness for pregnancy and responsibility, they tend to disagree on the timing ofthese classes and which gender would benefit more from being enrolled in Parenting or Child Development classes.
By implementing changes in the way the Parenting and Child Development classes are promoted and by designing a class format that would appeal more toward males, it might be possible to achieve increased enrollment in these courses.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Parental Education and Child Learning Investing in Goods and Time

Children of more educated parents have been shown to outperform their peers on standardized tests, an outcome often attributed to more educated parents investing more in their childrenís human capital accumulation. However, neither the form of this investment nor the extent to which it explains the relationship between parental education and child learning is well understood. Using unique data from China, this paper examines how parental education impacts the householdís provision of time and goods used in childrenís learning and the extent to which these investments may explain the relationship between parental education and child learning. I Önd that more educated parents allocate greater levels of both goods and time to their childrenís human capital accumulation. In addition, controlling for investments in goods and time reduces the estimated e§ects of parental education on childrenís learning.
Keywords: Investments, Education, Human Capital, Time Allocation, China

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Saturday, October 23, 2010



This study investigated how education policy influences student success, and if there are linkages between K-12 education policy and higher education. Historically, education has primarily been a function of state and local governments. The role of the federal government drastically changed with the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001. This thesis focused on the influence of No Child Behind on several indicators of student success in K-12 and postsecondary education. All fifty states were examined in this study. This approach is rather unusual since it is typical to focus on one state or a small group of states. In addition to the state
level analyses, macro analyses were also conducted to generate sounder policy prescriptions.

This study tested three primary research questions. (1) The first research question tested possible changes in several measures of student success since the implementation of No Child Left Behind. (2) The second research question analyzed the relationship between K-12 education policy and higher education. (3) The third research question addressed the possibility that state education reforms have had an impact on test scores, graduation rates, and college enrollment. After testing the three research questions the following results were found. (1) Findings showed
that K-12 test scores have improved on the national level since the implementation of No Child Left Behind, but there are several states that have witnessed a decline in test scores since legislation was enacted. (2) No Child Left Behind has had an impact on higher education. Test scores have a relationship with college retention and college enrollment. (3)There was no relationship between the state reforms and the variables that measured student success. Based on the findings, policy prescriptions were generated for both leaders within education and policymakers.

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Teen Mothers’ Experiences in the New Beginnings Parent Education Program

Persephone Starks

This study was conducted to gain the personal accounts of teen mothers’experiences as students attending the New Beginnings Parent Education Program. Using a phenomenological perspective, the researcher sought to gain a deeper insight of their lived experience including knowledge of parent education, the existence of significant relationships, and goal setting for themselves, their family, education and career prior to becoming pregnant, and again after they found out they were pregnant or delivered their child. Using participant interviews, observations and field notes it was determined that the parent education program and instructors had a significant impact on participants within this study. The participants recognized that the goals they have set for themselves in various aspects of their life and their child’s life can be realized through course work, interaction with their infants and relationships with family and friends. The participants’ learned to create healthy relationships, and to embrace their role as the most important person in their child’s life.

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Education for all and child labour in Kenya: A conflict of capabilities?

Angela Githitho-Muriithi

Child labour remains an enormous challenge to the achievement of Education For All in developing countries. This paper explores the subject of child labour in Kenya in the context of the national and global push towards Education For All. Based on a year’s ethnography of a poor community in Kiambu district in Kenya, the paper explores the tension between child labour and schooling using the language of capabilities. The capability approach focuses on the freedoms that people have to live the life that they value. As there is a strong relationship between poverty and child labour, this paper argues that there is tension between the capability (freedom) to be educated and other basic capabilities such as being well fed and housed. Therefore, substantively empowering poor communities would be a positive step towards easing these tensions and ultimately achieving Education For All.

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Interpreting the Policy Past: The Relationship Between Education and Antipoverty Policy During the Carter Administration

The purpose of this study was to research the ways in which people explained the relationship between federal education and antipoverty policies from 1975–1981.

I undertook this task to demonstrate the complexity of the multiple sites of political struggle, where policy is made and negotiated, and to point to the ways in which education policies are always in circulation with and enacted among other polices. This demonstration can provide insight into how the social regularities (see the appendix for definitions) during the Carter Administration shaped the possibilities of U.S. education and antipoverty policies. Such a study would help me and others interpret the present policy options and our desires for social justice as events of a specific historical moment with its own possibilities and contradictions. In doing so, we can begin to engage in more creative policy making, which may help us in our struggle to improve the well-being of our children inside and outside of school.

My choice of this research problem has been shaped by my own history as well as by the time and place in which I am currently working. Because this work cannot be seen as separate from my own subjectivities, I use the “I” pronoun. Wilinsky (1989) advised, “Researchers must find ways of stepping from behind the disembodied voice” (p. 249). However, this does not mean that one should assume that this is the work of an autonomous consciousness. Instead, my experience should be read as a snapshot of my subjectivity, which is always “within the context of a fluid, changeable social setting, in motion via the interaction of a plurality of multiply-sited, diffused agents” (Lather, 1991, p. 42).

The subject matter of my dissertation was strategically chosen based on my desires to improve schooling and the quality of life of many children of poverty today. These desires developed out of the contradictions of our time, brought into sharp relief during my years as a middle school social studies teacher in a high-poverty school. In my school, I worked with teachers who heroically employed progressive and culturally specific pedagogies to support students’ ability to construct and interact with knowledge as their experiences dictated. In my own classroom, I hoped to create a community of learners where a sense of the self could be developed through a critical engagement with history. Most of the time I failed.

Although some teachers had moderate levels of success, we felt that most of our attempts for this type of education were systematically undermined by the very structure of schooling. These structures, which included working with over 150 students a day, seemed to be validated only by tradition and economy and had little relationship to a child’s ability to learn. Systems, which were reflected in the schedule of the day, forced students to compartmentalize their learning and created student loads for teachers that were too large to develop relationships of trust between students and teachers. Many of the children I taught struggled at home as well.

Whether the struggle emerged from neighborhood gang activity, an extra job after
school, or being in charge of their siblings while their parents worked in the evenings, most students had much more to worry about than the standards set by their teachers or the state. Reflecting on the struggles, I began to feel that if we were serious about helping children learn, then as a society we should invest more in their well-being and their schools. My experiences, while anecdotal, were not isolated. A number of publications, such as Kozol’s (1991) Savage Inequalities, resonated with my experience and showed me how much worse it could be. My teaching experiences also took place within a policy context of standards-based reform, which negatively impacted the interpretation of the purpose of public education in many schools. Indeed, the federal No Child Left Behind Act (2002) and state-mandated testing, regardless of their intent, shifted the focus in most schools from teaching and learning to measuring achievement. Rhetorically, the shift was intended to hold teachers and administrators accountable for providing all students with a high-quality educational experience. In practice, however, the shift drew increased attention to improving test scores and away from the authentic learning experiences my colleagues and I were hoping to provide.

The dissonance I experienced activated two desires. First, I developed a strong desire to investigate how we can continue to create environments that fail our students and their families, despite the best intentions of numerous professionals who work in schools. Second, through this understanding, I wanted to find a better way to advocate for fulfilling that promise. An avenue to realize these goals was the study of policy. Through policy work, that I might find ways to influence the agenda.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

succesful leadrship

modest, however, because our generally successful set of benchmark leadership
practices encompassed the vast majority of what the sample of school leaders in
the study did. Notwithstanding the well-known limitations of a small qualitative
study such as ours, many claims about the importance of context in the practice
of successful school leadership would seem to be greatly exaggerated, at least in a
highly accountable policy context.
What might account for such exaggeration? We conclude by speculating on
two possible reasons. One possible reason is distance. The closer one gets to any
object – leadership included – the more prominent in one’s view become its details
and the less visible its general shape. From an orbiting space station the coast of
Italy looks like a boot. But from a distance of 10 metres it is a unique and largely
unpredictable configuration of sand and water. Which raises a key question for
leadership researchers; Is there an ideal “distance” from which to view and describe
what it is that successful leaders do?
A second possible reason for exaggerating the importance of context is leadership
“style”. For example, such personal antecedents of successful leadership practices
as beliefs, values, energy and communication skill have a significant effect on
leadership behavior. But that effect, we argue, is not to influence what leaders
do (their practices, as we have described them in this paper) so much as how
they do it (e.g., aggressively vs. subtly). Claims about the contribution of context
to the explanation of successful leadership practices may sometimes be based on
confounding differences in style for differences in context. Such claims also raise
an important class of questions for further inquiry – how important to the effects
of leadership practices is the form of their enactment (or style)?

Special Education and privat school

Principals of private schools were questioned about the
practices of their schools regarding students with special needs.
This mixed-design study was a part of a larger study to determine
the current state of special education services in private schools
in Tennessee. Initial demographic information on schools was
gathered and analyzed by a quantitative survey. Open-ended
questions regarding the mission of the schools, admissions and
continued enrollment policies, and strengths and weaknesses of
the schools as they pertained to serving students with special
needs were presented in a questionnaire. The results indicate that
leadership style may play a role in the acceptance of students
with special needs in private schools. More research is needed
due to the push for school choice through the No Child Left
Behind Act and state voucher programs.
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