Sunday, May 8, 2011

good teacher

There's always an interesting story, when he met an old friend.

The friend told me about his former elementary school teacher first. He recalled his childhood when it was like fun "steal" the property of a classmate. The goal is not to have the goods. "Just feel happy only when his friend looked hard" he continued. Because of that principal "mad", and decided he wanted expelled from school.

Pak teacher, class teacher, asked the school principal so that he would be forgiven and given the opportunity to correct his mistakes. The teacher said "mistakes are the fault of this child, I have failed to educate these children." Simple statement that the teacher has changed everything. Heart of the principal yield. Anger out. He was silent, not a word out of his mouth.

Tomorrow morning the next day, received the good news my friend. He "escaped" from the article of death expelled from school. Until finally, he also graduated from the elementary school. My friend that just can not imagine what she must do to "get" the teacher who had "saved" him. He was a lucky man.

One time when it has become a "people" - he is now a leader in one of the banks in the country - he visited the teacher. She brought you something as a sign of devotion. Before going home he intends to give some money that had prepared from home. "I do it when it was not for money sonny" he said as he dismissed the granting of money from him. For the second time made it embarrassed my friend.

I was stunned to hear his story. Mr. teachers, with white gray hair that has enveloped his head, the figure remains very special for my friend.

Each of us has a different impression and experience about the role and figure of the teacher. Had looked for a reference, perhaps hundreds of reference pu not quite able to describe this ideal teacher.

Teacher standards of "good"?

If the newspaper or television news busy talking about teacher certification, what does that program with a teacher a "good". Through the program would appreciate the teachers that have been deemed "good"? or standard teacher obsessed with looking "good"?

Teachers are "good" knows no bounds in which it is located. Teachers both private and public good teacher, what's the difference?. Quotas country more teacher certification. Why? Is it because the land as if the teacher is "good" seem more?. More complicated search for a teacher of "good" through this program, when the facts on the ground talking that this program was more "tempting" the teacher be not "good". Makes rollicking race to make the data "asphalt" for the items of certification documents - prortofolio completed. Or, let's get busy-busy exchanging answers while "post test" at the end of the training certification.

Carelessness teacher policies set a "good" easy to fall in the antithesis. Teachers are tempted, teachers are also human beings, be not good, though at first he was actually "good".

Unlike the structural approach, which appears clear and systematic as above, the cultural approach to postulate something even more personal and communal.

Hear the voice of a mother who is so proud of his teacher. "I used to feel stupid learn matetmatika". Maths was never interesting himself. "Often I feel scared every time you look at the schedule tomorrow morning for math subjects. Now things were different, I taught applied mathematics at one private university in Jakarta. " Different views on this subject.

His views on this subject to change. "I am grateful once in high school when my teacher taught incredible" he said with enthusiasm. In his view is not too pandailah real teacher. Which makes tersesan. The teacher said his students almost never stupid. She always smiled when his students do not really teach the exercises. His patience was felt. Teachers not only teach mathematics, but also makes it easy to understand lessons. He also teaches how students "love" mathematics, by the way of teaching.

Teachers are "good" as the teaching and seeing the students not only through the eyes of his mind. He is utilizing his pedagogical skills, and equip it with the heart. A sincere love for the child has been thrilling. The child feels safe, because the teacher is the light of the fire that lit the dark space and the uncertainty in him.

Teachers are "good" surfaced in a variety of faces. Remember our favorite teachers, perhaps because the skills of a teacher is able to make the children "laugh" in class? Or laugh at himself. With it they seemed to forget the tensions they experienced all day. Also perhaps, because of the enthusiasm that the teacher has time to teach. He seemed able to "hypnotize" the children become more enthusiastic about the lessons that are ditekuninnya.

Teachers face a "good" were more easily we encounter in ourselves his disciples. They become a mirror, it reflects the "face" real in front of him. Pupils who have become "people" will usually tell you about her teacher is proud, he would easily share the experience of how he had been "changed" by the teacher.

Teachers are "good" bowed sadly watched students fail to become "people" in his life. Failure of the student is part of the teacher as well. This is the relation "heart" teacher - pupil. Being a teacher, is different from "work" as a teacher. He was more than that. He is a "call".

Teachers are "good" is of paramount importance in life. He is more important than an army of war. No wonder how the Japanese put the teacher so special. We remember how the Emperor shortly after the destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in World War II. Not the number of troops remaining war was asking. Instead he asked "how many teachers are still there (" good ") is left in there?".

Teachers are "good", according to Grosswith, R (2007), always learning by teaching (he taught through educating) the pupils, and by teaching the teachers have the opportunity to continue learning from his students, as written in a reflection entitled "Personal Reflections on Teaching ", published in the Kappa Delta Pi Record two years ago.

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